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Disaster Recovery

Learn more about how Waybook stores and protects you company's data so that it's ready when you need it

Mike Bandar avatar
Written by Mike Bandar
Updated over 10 months ago

Our customers' data is our most precious possession, and keeping that data available 24/7 is our mission. As such, Waybook goes to great lengths to ensure your data is kept safe and online, ready for when you need it.

Waybook's disaster recovery plan can be broken into three phases:

  1. Data Safety

  2. Server Monitoring

  3. Infrastructure Recovery

Data Safety

Firstly, rarely is any data deleted. When deleting subjects and documents, the data is still kept in Waybook's Trash area, enabling customers to quickly and easily recover that important lost document.

Behind the scenes, Waybook makes automatic, incremental, rolling backups of all data in the database. This means if a catastrophic failure were to affect the database cluster, a new database can be rapidly provisioned and reloaded with all the data with minimal loss.

Finally, Waybook takes daily complete snapshots of the database that are encrypted and stored off-site. This means Waybook can recover your data, even if an entire data center was lost.

Waybook has a rolling 1-hour backup provided by our cloud provider, also daily snapshots and finally we have a completely separate cold store with a different cloud provider that keeps daily backups for 90 days, and then weekly for 2 years.

Server Monitoring

Waybook employs sophisticated monitoring of all events occurring behind the scenes. This enables Waybook's Metrics Monitoring Service and Anomalous Reporting Service to identify when bad things are happening before they break anything.

This is an invisible process, that enables Waybook to keep our servers running 24/7.

Infrastructure Recovery

Lastly, should the worst happen and Waybook needs to move to a completely new cloud due to natural disasters or compliance requirements, our entire infrastructure is managed as code. This means we can rapidly provision new servers and have Waybook up and running for you.

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