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Collaborate Effortlessly with Commenting
Collaborate Effortlessly with Commenting

Need to be able to collaborate with the team while building new SOPs learn how Commenting can help.

Sophia Terry avatar
Written by Sophia Terry
Updated over a week ago

Ever thought that your documents need some collaboration in your SOPs? Commenting is a game-changer for all the brilliant editors out there to help foster collaboration.

By allowing editors to share thoughts or leave messages, the Commenting feature bridges the gap between creating and refining SOPs. Gone are the days of feeling isolated while building procedures. Now, it's all about teamwork!

Simple Steps to Use Commenting:

  1. Navigate to the document that you're working on.

  2. Click on the speech bubbles found in the document settings.

  3. Type in your thoughts, questions, or comments.

  4. Comment on the step or the document.

  5. Hit Submit. Voila! Your comment will now be visible to all editors.

Remember, every comment takes us a step closer to perfection. So, don’t hold back! Dive in, collaborate, and let’s build stellar SOPs together!

Why Commenting is GOLD:

  • Facilitates Seamless Communication: Directly converse within the SOP context without switching tools.

  • Capture Real-time Feedback: Get immediate insights, leading to quicker refinements.

  • Strengthens Team Bond: When everyone pitches in, it fosters a sense of community and ownership.

Just imagine: Your SOPs getting refined in real-time, with rich inputs from your peers, leading to processes that are not just effective but also a collective brainchild of your fantastic team!

What's Next:

  • Want Readers to be able to Feedback? Check out our Feedback article to learn more.

  • Need any additional support? Please contact support for any assistance.

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