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Submit For Review

Learn more about how your editors can submit changes to your Waybook for your admins and mangers to review

Elle avatar
Written by Elle
Updated over a week ago

At Waybook, we are totally driven by your requests for new features, and helping you to set up a review process within Waybook has been one of our favorite challenges to address yet! πŸ™Œ

The first step towards helping you collaborate more efficiently within Waybook is our submit for review feature.

Anyone with access to edit your Waybook subjects and documents will be given the option to submit a change or new step for review, selecting a team member with publish access and triggering an automatic notification.

The team members selected by the editor will receive an email notifying them of the change, with a link to take them directly to the step or document containing the changes to be reviewed.

It is also possible for members with the ability to publish content to request changes to be reviewed by another member of your team, ensuring the information in your Waybook is accurate and up-to-date.

At Waybook, we truly believe that teamwork is the key to building an outstanding playbook for your business and are always open to your suggestions of ways we can make collaboration even easier.

If there's a particular feature you'd like to see us release in the future, get in touch with the support team - we're here and always happy to help 😊

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