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Common CNAME Errors

If you are having any issues setting up a custom domain then this article will help you identify and fix the error

Sophia Terry avatar
Written by Sophia Terry
Updated over a week ago

Setting up a Custom Domain/CNAME from your website can be tricky. DNS, the system the Internet uses to turn website names like into IP addresses like, has many unfamiliar options and can take hours if not days to update!

This guide will help answer any common problems you experience when setting up a Custom Domain for your Waybook.

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How do I change my DNS settings?

Unfortunately, every domain registrar has a different way of managing DNS settings. If you log into the company you purchased your domain name e.g. from, there will typically be a page called "DNS Settings" or similar.

Within this page, you will see a list of all the "records" for your domain. These records dictate where people go when typing in, where email is routed when sent to you etc.

You will need to create a new record with the following information:

  • Type: CNAME

  • Name/Key: the subdomain of your CNAME. For example, if you want, you would enter just playbook.

  • Value:

Updating DNS records can take up to 48 hours depending on your provider, although is typically much quicker.

I want to use as my CNAME?

Using just your domain, with no sub-domains like, or, is called a "naked CNAME". This special type of CNAME is only supported by a few DNS providers such as Cloudflare. You will need to speak to your domain administrator to check if your provider supports naked CNAMEs.

Please note: Waybook does not recommend setting up naked CNAMEs as things such as will not be automatically created.

Error Cx0D

Waybook was unable to connect to your DNS servers to check your CNAME settings. Updates to your DNS records may take up to 24-48 hours to propagate.

Waybook has to check what DNS settings your website has. If Waybook is unable to check, it will show this error message. This can happen if you have recently registered or moved your website's nameservers. Please wait a day or two and try again. If it still fails, contact Support letting us know what CNAME you are trying to use.

Error Cx0N

No CNAME record, or any other records, were found. Please make sure the domain was spelled correctly e.g. ''. Updates to your DNS records may take up to 24-48 hours to propagate.

Waybook has asked your DNS server for information about the CNAME you have provided and has been told that there is no information to give. This can happen if you have a typo somewhere e.g. instead of Alternatively, if you have made these updates recently, it can take up to 48 hours for the changes to be reflected across the Internet (although typically it's much faster). Try again in a few hours and let Support know if you still receive the error.

Error Cx0P

No CNAME records were found for your CNAME, however other records have been found. Is there an 'A' record used instead of CNAME or is there a DNS proxy in the middle?

Waybook has asked your DNS server for information about the CNAME you have provided and has been told there's an existing record there, but it's not a CNAME. This can happen when you've used the wrong "DNS Record Type" e.g. `TXT` or `A` instead of `CNAME`. Please check to make sure you have added a CNAME type record with the value ``. An alternative cause if using a DNS proxy, such as Cloudflare, in between your DNS and Waybook's servers. This can result in your CNAME not working correctly as Waybook is unable to verify it is pointing to the right place.

Error Cx0H

A CNAME record was found, but for a different website. Please make sure you are setting up CNAME for the correct website.

In the unlikely event you have received this error, it means that your DNS server has returned values for another Zone. Please contact your domain administrator.

Error Cx0T

A CNAME record was found, but it is not pointing to a valid website. Make sure the CNAME record is set to ''.

Waybook has asked your DNS server for information about the CNAME you have provided and been told there is one, but it hasn't got a value. Please make sure you have created a CNAME Type record with the value ``.

Error Cx0I

A CNAME record was found, but it is pointing to your Waybook '' and not ''. Change your CNAME to '' and it will work.

When creating your CNAME record in your DNS settings, please make sure you set the target value as `` and **not** your normal Waybook URL e.g. ``. Waybook will automatically handle redirecting your team's Waybook URL to your new CNAME.

Error Cx0C

A CNAME record was found, but it is pointing to a different website: ''. Change your CNAME to '' and it will work.

When creating your CNAME record in your DNS settings, please make sure you set the value to `` and not any other website such as your teams' Waybook URL or another website.

Error Cx0V

Your CNAME must be a domain on your own website and not on

Your CNAME is a website on your domain e.g. Your CNAME cannot be another website on, for instance, is not a valid Waybook CNAME. Your CNAME should be a complete domain that you have permission to manage.

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