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How do permissions work on Waybook?

Here's everything you need to know about member roles and content permissions on Waybook

Elle avatar
Written by Elle
Updated over a week ago

There are four key ways for you to set permissions for team members on Waybook:

You're also able to manage your team's access using member groups and we'll cover all of the above in this article.

Member Roles

First, let us have a look at how to set member roles for your team in Waybook.

When inviting a new member to your Waybook, you can choose whether to give them the ability to 'only view documents' as a reader or 'view and make changes to documents' within your Waybook.

If you're giving a member access to make changes to your Waybook, there are three tiers that will determine how much control they have over subjects, documents, and your team structure.

Create new documents





Create new subjects




Invite others to access your Waybook



View reports



Update billing information



Members with Admin access will be able to:

  • Invite others to access your Waybook

  • Update billing information

  • View reports

  • Create new subjects

  • Create new documents

They will be given full access to subjects and documents regardless of their subject permissions.


Members with Manager access will be able to:

  • Invite others to access your Waybook

  • View reports

  • Create new subjects

  • Create new documents

They will be given full access to subjects and documents regardless of their subject permissions.


Members with Author access will be able to:

  • Create new Subjects

  • Create new documents

They will have limited access, so will only be able to make changes to the subjects and documents based on their subject permissions.


Members with Contributor access will be able to:

  • Create new documents

Again, these users will have limited access and will only be able to make changes to documents based on their subject permissions.

Subject Permissions

Before we dive into Subject Permissions, let's quickly look at Group Membership:

Group Membership

You can assign Group Membership when inviting new teammates to your Waybook, this will automatically give them access to any subjects that the group is linked to.

Once a member has joined your organization you can change their group or individual subject permissions (which we'll cover below) at any time from the Members page.

Subject Permissions

You are also able to assign team members access to particular subjects, regardless of their Group membership. This means that, even if they're not part of the Group linked to a subject, they'll be able to access it based on the permissions you set.

Again, you'll be able to choose whether the member can read, edit or publish documents within a particular subject or hide it from them entirely by setting them as having 'No Access'. Within your Access settings, you can also decide if your team members are required to complete the document or have it available as reference-only.

Document Permissions

To give you even more control over how knowledge is shared within your Waybook, you can also give your team access to read, edit, and publish content at a document level. As with subject permissions, this can be done for individual members or member groups.

If you have any questions about how permissions work in Waybook or are experiencing any issues interacting with your organization's Waybook based on the permissions set, let the support team know and we'll happily help 🙂

Some things to bear in mind...

  • Your readers will only see the content they have access to. Any team members who can make changes to your Waybook will see all subject titles, only admins will see all content.

  • Setting individual subject or document permissions will overwrite whatever permission is assigned based on their group - so if the group they're in has Read permissions, but you set them up to Publish at the individual level, they'll be able to publish.

  • You are not able to change your own permissions.

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