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Can I reset progress for a document?
Can I reset progress for a document?

Want to reset the progress for everyone or just one user? Read on to find out how.

Sophia Terry avatar
Written by Sophia Terry
Updated over a week ago

Ever feel the need to hit the refresh button, especially when there is an update to your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)? You're not alone, and Waybook has got just the solution for you— Reset Progress!

Value of Resetting Progress

In the bustling hive of daily operations, ensuring that every team member is on the same page with the latest SOPs is crucial for maintaining a smooth flow. Resetting Progress in Waybook is designed to help you manage this with just a few clicks! By resetting progress, you're ensuring that everyone reviews the most recent updates, keeping your team knowledgeable, compliant, and ready to excel.

How to Reset Progress

  1. Navigate to the document that you want to reset and select it.

  2. Click the Manage tab found within the document controls.

  3. Dive into Member Progress. Here you will get an overview of the user's progress within this document.

  4. Click on Reset Progress to ensure that everyone's progress goes back to zero.

  5. If you want to make a change for just one user select the reset button by their name.

Perfect for those times when there have been tweaks or overhauls to your SOPs, resetting progress is your go-to action to ensure everyone is updated. It's all about starting anew with the latest knowledge in tow!

Key Takeaways

  • Hit Reset Progress whenever there's a significant update to your SOPs to keep your team in the know and at the top of their game.

  • Encourage your team members to delve back into Waybook, explore the updated content, and zoom toward refreshed understanding and compliance.

  • Your journey toward maintaining a well-informed, adaptable team just got a whole lot easier with Waybook's Reset Progress feature. So why wait?

Ready to refresh and rejuvenate your team’s or an individual's understanding? Reset the progress and watch as everyone swiftly gets up to speed with the new SOPs, fostering a culture of continual learning and excellence.

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