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Check your team's progress, ensure they have read and understood the content and more all from your Reports view in Waybook

Elle avatar
Written by Elle
Updated over 8 months ago

If you're looking to keep track of your teammates' progress on Waybook, the reports page has everything you need.

Whether you want to track all members assigned to a particular subject, document, or learning path, ensure individual members have completed and passed tests, or view insights from search, this is the view you'll need.

Building Reports

You can create reports by subject, document, or learning path, as well as view a particular member's progress and test pass rates. This ensures your whole team is equipped with and up-to-date on important changes and SOPs.

You can even save a report to revisit later or easily export it as a .csv file.

This image shows a Subject report broken down by members, with the Export as .csv link highlighted

To view your teammates' performance in tests, make sure you're viewing a report for a specific document and then break your report by 'Test / Confirmation'.

This image shows a Test / Confirmation report where the test is almost completed and broken down by members

You can also get an overview of whether they attempted the test, passed, and more by generating a report for Test / Confirmation specifically.

This report will show you when a member has attempted, completed and whether they have passed tests in your Waybook. It will also allow you to view responses to Confirmation Steps, which are essential for confirming your team has read and understood documents they have access to.

This image shows a Member report broken down by Subject

Search Insights

You can see what members have been asking or searching for in your Waybook with search insights. Use toggles to filter for no-result searches and poorly rated answers, making it easier to manage your content and identify gaps in your knowledge base.

These insights help you understand what content needs improvement and what additional information your team might require.

This image shows a Search Insights report at the top, with one result, and an Ask Insights report below, with two results and one with a rating

Reports are essential for ensuring your team has read and understood documents in your Waybook, keeping everyone on the same page.

Let us know if you have any questions about reports or requests for new features and changes - we'd love to hear from you πŸ™‚

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