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Email Deliverability Issues
Email Deliverability Issues

Learn more about how to troubleshoot and handle different error messages when inviting members to your Waybook

Sophia Terry avatar
Written by Sophia Terry
Updated over 7 months ago

Are you having email troubles? No worries! We understand how frustrating this can be. But don't fret - we've got you covered!

In this guide, we're going to help you troubleshoot email deliverability errors so you can get back to running your business smoothly and efficiently.

Typos in Your Email

A small typo can be the difference between receiving and missing an email. So, we recommend you double-check the email address you've provided us.

  1. Locate the email address with the error message and click on the three dots and open "Edit Member".

  2. Check that the email listed is spelled correctly. The main things to check for:

    1. .com, not .clm

    2., not

    3. have you spelled the user's email correctly

  3. Once the error has been located re-add the user with the correct email and delete the incorrect one.

Remember, even a tiny slip can derail an email from its correct path.

We do not let you edit other users' emails but users can change their own. Once the error has been spotted they can log in and change the email address to rectify the mistake. For more information on updating the registered email check out this article.

Ensure Your Server Hasn't Rejected Us

Another thing to verify is that our emails aren't ending up in your spam folder or being blocked entirely.

  1. Check your email's spam or junk folder. If you find our emails there, move them to your inbox to tell your email client they're not spam.

  2. Look into your email settings to make sure Waybook is not in your blocked sender's list. If you find us there, remove us from the list to start receiving our emails again.

Sometimes, email providers can be a bit overprotective and block emails they shouldn't, or important messages may accidentally land in the spam folder.

Whitelisting Waybook

Ensure you add our email address ([email protected]) to your email client's safe senders list. This way, you'll never miss out on any important updates or information from Waybook. Navigate either to MS365 or Gmail to learn how to add our email to your service allowlist.

We hope this guide helps you troubleshoot any email deliverability issues you're experiencing. Remember, your success is our success. Don't let a pesky email hiccup stop you from making the most of Waybook!

If you need help from the team, do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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