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Adding members to your team

Learn how to invite new people to your Waybook team and build your organization's single source of truth together

Elle avatar
Written by Elle
Updated over a week ago

Are you ready to start recruiting additional support to help you build your Waybook?

Building your Waybook with a teammate can help you work more efficiently and have some fun along the way!

Whether you're ready to start inviting collaborators to join you in building, or maybe you're moving forward and are already starting to onboard your readers, follow the steps outlined in this article.

Inviting Collaborators 🤝

We have already discussed inviting a collaborator when you first start creating your Waybook. In this article, we will explore how you can add collaborators from the Members page.

  1. Go to your Members page in Waybook.

  2. Enter the email address of the collaborator you're inviting.

  3. Select the option 'Can view and make changes to this Waybook'.

  4. Choose the correct level of permission for this member.

    1. As an admin, they will be able to invite members and manage your billing.

    2. As an author, they will be able to create Subjects and Documents.

    3. As a contributor, they will be able to create Documents only.

  5. You also have the option to assign them to a member group.

  6. When you're happy with their permissions, go ahead and send your invite.

Inviting Readers 📖

If you're ready to start adding readers to your Waybook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Members page in Waybook.

  2. Enter the email address of the reader you're inviting.

  3. Select the option 'Can only view this Waybook' highlighted below.

  4. You have the option to assign them to a member group for easier content assignment.

  5. When you're happy, go ahead and send your invite.

This image shows the various role types in Waybook, with Reader selected

Easy peasy! 😊

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